Autocorrect and autotext. Entire websites have been dedicated to the time your phone wrote 'sinful' when you wanted to write 'single' and 'Subwoofer' instead of 'Winehouse'.
However, Blackberry power users, the kind who pound out messages on the BBM, check their Facebook and tweet - all within minutes need autocorrect for the tedious task of fixing apostrophes and capitalizing your "i". Ditto for entering your number - you simply write “mynumber” and it feeds the number automatically.
Blackberry recommends the following Autotext settings, including frequently used words and statements.
How to Make AutoText Shortcuts on your BlackBerry
Go to the Options (the Wrench logo)
Select AutoText
Scroll through the existing presets to get an idea of the current options available.
To make your own AutoText Shortcuts Click on BlackBerry Menu Button. Go to New Type the quick text in the first field. The second filed will show what it replaces with. Click on Menu, and then on Save |